What It's Like Working at Somar Digital

3 min read

Established 13 years ago, Somar Digital is a proven and trusted supplier agency for Not for Profits, Government Agencies, Crown entities and the Private Sector.

We have extensive experience and a huge passion for working with and for organisations that genuinely want to add value, support and help New Zealand communities. Clients such as Cancer Society NZ, Citizens Advice Bureau, Plunket NZ, Women’s Refuge, Save the Children and Metlink all choose to work with us because of our high care factor. We also make sure that our staff are treated well and have a good time.

We know how important it is that to produce great work it also helps to actually enjoy the place you work!


One of the key things we look for from potential employees is if they share similar values to us. Many of our clients are charities and not-for-profits who are providing real benefit to NZ so we need people who display a high care factor with the work they do. We don’t just look for people with the right technical skills but someone who has strong EQ. We’re an equal opportunities employer but we also look for people who are genuinely caring, kind, and empathetic. We also love people who have excellent all-around communication skills. This means not just communicating with the Somar Digital team but also being able to communicate professionally with our clients.

Going above and beyond

We have a strong belief in going above and beyond for our clients. That means having a clear understanding of their business needs, user goals, and the overall quality of the work. That’s part of the reason why our clients love working with us is because we do genuinely care about the work that we are doing and we take the time to understand what it is our clients need from the project. We like to enjoy ourselves at Somar Digital but we also like to strive for high standards for not only ourselves but the team in general.

Working for great clients

You can take a look at some of the great clients we work with here. Some of our memorable projects include building the Plan My Walk app for Mountain Safety Council, which helps Kiwis find and plan for all the incredible walks that New Zealand has to offer. We’ve also had a long-standing partnership with Metlink building their app for Wellington’s public transport network. We’ve had a specific focus on working with not-for-profits and charities like Cancer Society NZ and Citizens Advice Bureau. These are some high-profile clients to have in New Zealand so we make a huge effort to makes sure we get things right when we are designing and building web projects for them.

Producing work that makes a real difference to Kiwis across the country

One of the great things about working at Somar Digital is that every day you get to work with and for awesome clients who make massive contributions to our lives here in NZ. For example, we designed and built the Daffodil Day website to help Cancer Society get through the uncertainty of the COVID restrictions. It feels awesome that our team helped make that happen!

Employee benefits

While it’s great that the work we do is meaningful and makes a difference it’s also nice to have a few perks along the way. We try our best to create a realistic work-life balance which is enabled by really good project planning and preparation. This means our people work 'standard' working hours, not the crazy overtime that some agencies do. All employees receive an annual Health and Wellbeing allowance to spend on a gym membership, the optometrist, the dentist or a nice relaxing massage - the choice is yours! The business also funds a monthly team lunch, where we get to invest in local restaurants and cafe's - something we feel really passionate about.


We’re always keen to hear from anybody who might be a good fit to work with us at Somar Digital. So if you’re interested in working with us or know someone who might be, you can have a look at our job listings below.

Work at Somar Digital

by Somar Digital