CentrePort Wellington Website
Launching a New Website to help CentrePort Wellington Better Connect with Customers
CentrePort Wellington, New Zealand's most strategically situated intermodal hub, has launched its new website. Designed and built by Somar Digital, the website aims to create a best-practice platform that offers information on facilities and services, as well as shipping movement and cargo tracking.
CentrePort Wellington

CentrePort Wellington is New Zealand's most strategically situated intermodal hub, linking road, rail, and domestic and international shipping services. CentrePort Wellington offers a broad range of cargo and logistics services.

UX Research: Understanding CentrePort Customers

As part of the project Somar Digital completed a UX Research phase to better understand the users of the current website and inform the redesign through these findings. The main qualitative research activity was completing one-on-one interviews in order to capture deeper insights into specific customer segments or scenarios. The kinds of findings that were uncovered were related to the user’s interaction with the current site, what is missing and what could be improved. It was important to understand the differences between how a CentrePort employee uses the site versus an external user and how the new site could be tailored for both of these types of users.

Improving the Customer Experience

Many businesses in New Zealand and around the world are having issues with the supply chain, leading to frustration and delays which often cost time and money, and in some cases, cause significant business stress. The CentrePort website helps to support freight customers and provide stability and certainty where possible. CentrePort has an in-depth knowledge of their customers’ businesses and an awareness of their needs to provide a responsive and empathetic service.

Easier to Use Website for Customers and Employees

The new website better connects CentrePort with their customers. The revamped IA makes it easier for users to find what they are looking for, while also making things easier for CentrePort employees and customers. The website will ensure that CentrePort customers have the information they need at their fingertips, making their experience with the company more efficient, effective and streamlined.

Key Features
Track My Ship
Search for a particular ship or see what's in berth.
Centric Web Portal
A detailed and up-to-date way to view shipping, track cargo, or pre-advise export containers.
Wellington Harbour Weather
Real-time information about harbour weather conditions including wind speed and tide levels.
Intuitive Information Architecture (IA)
Revamped IA that makes it easier for users to find what they are looking for and makes things easier for CentrePort employees and customers.